Friday, January 25, 2008

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Rocketoire präsentiert:

Free Your Local Radio from the dire straits

From 2009 free radios will indefinitely have to draw on their own meagre reserves. The regional office of communication, which is situated in Stuttgart, is cutting down 50 percent of its base subsidies. In addition to this, these financial means will be defined as project bound bids so that they can be used as steering devices that ultimately weaken the longstanding solidarity between free radio stations in Baden Württemberg. Eventually, the free radios will both be compelled to tend to their dire financial situation, due to the dried out monetary sources, and compete with each other for public funding.
We would be really grateful if you could please support our local radio. We need you so that we can remain independent and keep showing solidarity. For these reasons, we have already drastically reduced the emergency contribution. Thus, people from various walks of life can make a great difference by donating small “noshes”. Our memberships are available for a budget price : 20 Euros a year only.

Free Radio Wüste Welle--soon be fully translated into English

Home / Aktuelles (about in German soon in English)
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Wochensendeplan (schedule)

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mitreden (Gästebuch) (guestbook)
mitmachen (join in)
mitentscheiden (your voice counts)

Sendungen (shows)
Projekte (projects)
Praktika (internship)

Kontakt (contact us)
Spenden / Förderkreis (make a donation)

2009 geht es den Freien Radios in Baden Württemberg ans Eingemachte!
Die Sockelzuschüsse der Landesanstalt für Kommunikation werden um 50 % gekürzt. Die gekürzten Gelder werden dann nach Vorgaben als Projektgelder ausgeschrieben um die Freien Radios in Baden-Württemberg besser steuern zu können und um die Solidarität unter den freien Radios im Land zu schwächen (Konkurrenz um Projektgelder).
Bitte unterstützt lokales Radio von unten mit einem kleinen Beitrag! Damit wir unabhängig und solidarisch bleiben können. Deshalb haben wir die Solimitgliedschaft deutlich gesenkt, damit viele neue Leute uns mit kleineren Häppchen finanziell unterstützen können. Eine Mitgliedschaft im Förderverein ist jetzt schon ab 20 € im Jahr (gerne auch mehr) möglich.
Damit die Freien Radios frei bleiben!
Most people say Indie and it means nothing

That is different on some of ur shows on our free radio station which is online and available to you.

No promotion agency is in the position to tell us what we should play and we definitely don’t like co- opting dickheads that destroy what makes us happy.

Rocketoire Proudly Presents:

If you would like to get to know more of the hottest, feverish, unsigned, unexpected indie shit of our days, tune in on the following Saturday.

Cambridge Time: 13: OO
Berlin Time: 14 : OO

If you face any difficulties with regards to our server don’t hesitate to e-mail me.
Much Loves, Annabell

Ps: this show will be presented by Gerri and Wolfgang who are following the footsteps of John peel.
Gerri and Wolfgan, both Subsound presenters nd Tübingen Undergroud artists, played during the Rockteoire time slot:

The Go Team
Kommando Sonnenmilch
The Fluesies
Thurston Moore
The Savants (they are looking for singer)
Billy Childish and the musicians of the
State Radio
Dustin's Bar Mitzvah