Willie Walsh CEO
British Airways plc,
PO Box 365,
UB7 0GB,
Email: willie.walsh@ba.com
Tel: 0844 493 0787
Fax: 020 8759 4314
Dear Willie Walsh,
Re: Hussien Khedri: Home Office Reference Number: k1290484
I am writing to you on behalf of Hussien Khedri, a young man who is scheduled to be deported on BA 640 to Athens on 7:55 am on 19th March, 2009. Hussien was born in Iran after his parents fled Afghanistan due to persecution from the Taliban. Twelve years later, he was deported by the Iranian government to Afghanistan, even though he was a national. Whilst in Afghanistan, he, like his parents before him suffered at the hands of the Taliban. He returned to Iran, and then made his way to Greece where he was destitute for six months. He then embarked on a journey, which would lead him to the UK and he made his claim for asylum here on 2nd December, 2008. Despite his short stay here he has managed to make several friends.
Upon his arrival in Greece, Hussien was fingerprinted and informally interviewed even though no adequate means of translation was provided, and is unlikely to be if he is returned there. Due to the sheer ineffectiveness and arbitrariness of the system, Hussien himself does not even know whether or not he made an asylum claim in Greece. Greece has the lowest numbers of asylum claims accepted, and the system has been hounded by numerous reports of asylum seekers’ claims not being processed.
The substantive merits of his case have not been heard in the UK nor in Greece. It is doubtful whether they will ever be heard if he is returned to Greece. Several high profile reports, including one presented just last month by Thomas Hammarberg, the Commissioner for Human Rights for the Council of Europe have condemned the asylum process in Greece. The systemic failures of the Greek system to provide proper procedural guarantees have been recognised by Norway, which categorically refuses to send asylum seekers back to Greece and now by Germany which are considering taking similar action.
Furthermore, although disbelieved by the Home Office, an independent medical assessment conducted in the UK has determined that Hussien is in fact between the age of 14 ½ and 16 ½. Therefore, Hussien cannot be deported under English law and should rather be sent to school.
During his short life Hussien has suffered a great deal, and lived a life which has been unstable due to no fault of his own. Hussein’s both parents have died. Whilst living in the UK he has reported recurring nightmares, been unable to sleep and twice an ambulance has been called to his house due to the fact he was screaming in his sleep.
Hussien Khedri is a minor who has suffered at the hands of many nations, and I implore you to ensure that Great Britain does not continue the pattern. It is clear that the Greek government will not respect the human rights of this young man, whose life has already witnessed far too many horrors.
We demand Hussien Khedri’s deportation be suspended until the Home Office has made a proper determination of his age. We also call upon the Home Office to review the policy of deporting persons to Greece when there are little or no procedurals guarantees.
Yours Sincerely,
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