Thursday, October 06, 2011

Anatomy of Habit formed in October 2008, following the dissolution of the group Animal Law. Blake Edwards (percussion; also of Vertonen, ssseepage, Burrow, Series Founders, Startless, Crippled Insectual, ex-Animal Law), Dylan Posa (drums; also of Dylan Posa and Three Cheers for One Dead Man, ex-Cheer Accident, ex-Flying Luttenbachers, ex-Brice-Glace, ex-Animal Law), and Mark Solotroff (vocals; also of BLOODYMINDED, The Fortieth Day, A Vague Disquiet, Nightmares, ex-Super Eight Loop, ex-Intrinsic Action, ex-Animal Law) joined forces with Kenny Rasmussen (bass; ex-No Funeral, ex-Radar Eyes) and Greg Ratajczak (guitar; also of Plague Bringer) — the duo originally slated to engineer and produce Animal Law's abandoned debut album. With less than 20 intense shows under their collective belt since their mid-2009 debut, Anatomy of Habit recently finished work on their first recordings, working with Andrew Ragin of The Atlas Moth at Phase Recording Studios. The band mastered the mini-LP in late-June 2011, with Bob Weston of Shellac, at Chicago Mastering Service. After their initial outings, people have mentioned diverse groups, including Joy Division, Swans, Einsturzende Neubauten, Killing Joke, Unsane, Bauhaus, My Bloody Valentine, Black Sabbath, The Cure, Jesu, The Sisters of Mercy, Death in June, and even The Doors, when attempting to describe the band. Part post-punk, part death-rock, part early-industrial, part noise-rock, part shoegazer, and part full-on doom-metal, this list of bands at least begins to describe where the powerful five-piece group might be coming from.

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